On January 3, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a speech to a large crowd in Thrissur, Kerala, that included two lakh women, formally sounding the poll trumpet for the next Lok Sabha elections. To celebrate Modi on his successful passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill in both Houses of Parliament, the Kerala branch of the Bharatiya Janata Party hosted the ‘Sthree Shakthi Modikk Oppam’ (Empower Women with Modi) convention. Modi thanked the Sthree Shakti and Kerala’s cultural hub, Thrissur, for their support and enthusiasm for the occasion.
It is anticipated that women from a variety of backgrounds will take part in the event, including social and cultural activists, ASHA employees, instructors, artists, entrepreneurs, and workers from MGNREGA and neighborhood networks.
PM Modi visits Thrissur, Kerala
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a women’s meet titled “Women Power with Modi” in Kerala’s Thrissur, where he held a road show in Thrissur town. The PM also launched and laid the foundation stone for development projects worth 1156 crore rupees at Kavaratti island in Lakshadweep. The government is committed to ensuring the sustainable development of Lakshadweep and bringing it to the forefront of the international tourism map.
The Prime Minister appealed to tourists visiting beaches abroad to visit Lakshadweep. India is focusing on increasing its share in the global seafood market, with Lakshadweep being a significant beneficiary. Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated several projects to the nation, including a submarine optical fiber cable project connecting Kochi and Lakshadweep islands, a Low-Temperature Thermal Desalination plant for Kadamat, a drinking water distribution project, and a battery-backed solar power project.
He also inaugurated a new administrative block and an 80-men barrack at the India Reserve Battalion complex in Kavaratti. Modi distributed Kisan Credit Cards, Ayushman Bharat cards, laptops, and bicycles to beneficiaries. In Kerala, thousands gathered in Thrissur for a roadshow, where he addressed a gathering of women, organized by Mahila Morcha of BJP at Thekkinkadu Maidan.
Most respected leaders, according to Thrissur women
To greet the prime minister, the town is decked out with banners and hoardings. The women were spotted awaiting the arrival of PM Modi so they could have a photo with him. “We are here to get a glimpse of our esteemed Prime Minister Modi, who is coming to Kerala to address the woman here,” one of them remarked.
The ‘Sthree Shakthi Modikk Oppam’ (Empower Women with Modi) event is being held to honor Prime Minister Modi on his successful passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill through both chambers of the Parliament.
Attendees of the conference are anticipated to include women from a variety of backgrounds, including social and cultural activists, ASHA employees, entrepreneurs, artists, MGNREGA and neighborhood network workers, and Anganwadi instructors.
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